Of more concern is the decreasing efficiency of investment. 更让人担心的是投资效率的下降。
Diverse and inconsistent application development processes, thus decreasing efficiency and collaboration between engineering teams 不同的和不一致的应用程序开发过程,因而减少了工程团队之间的效率和协作
The results show that as the capacitance decreasing, the alternation between efficiency peak value and speed peak value are increased. 得出的结论为:随着电容减小,效率峰值与速度峰值的交互作用增加。
High temperature caused a decreasing photosynthetic efficiency and aggravated photoinhibition. 结果表明高温引起了光合效率降低,加重了光合光抑制。
Incentive regulation has advantages of decreasing cost and improving efficiency, however, it has some negative effects such as decreasing quality, regulative capturing and depriving. 激励性规制既有降低成本、提高效率的优点,同时又存在降低质量、规制俘获和规制剥夺等问题。
The results show that the improved schemes are secure without decreasing the efficiency of signing and verifying. 结果表明,改进后的方案既能保证安全性又不会降低签名和验证性能。
Insulation shell in a new induction shaft coupling is a main element to solve leakiness of magnet pump, it ( often) works in changing magnetic field so that eddy current is produced, and eddy current results in wastage and decreasing the efficiency. 磁力联轴器中内外转子间的隔离套是磁力泵实现无泄漏的主要零件,由于磁力联轴器工作时,隔离套便处在变化的磁场中,则其内部将产生涡流,导致涡流损耗和传递效率降低。
Complete and transparent information is the premise for the normal and healthy implementation of the students 'financial loan. The existence of information asymmetry gives rise to adverse choices and moral risks, thus decreasing the efficiency of the loan operation. 信息的完全和透明是助学贷款规范运行、健康发展的基本条件,信息不对称现象的存在,容易产生逆向选择和道德风险,影响助学贷款的运作效率。
Specially, the thermal lens effect is intensified due to the long tail attached to pulse, which leads to decreasing of conversion efficiency if pulse repetition rate is enhanced. 特别由于脉冲附带长的拖尾加剧了热透镜效应,使得脉冲重复频率的增加引起转换效率的降低。
When ceramic particles are mingled, the ratio of particle amount to diameter should keep constant, or the arrangement of particles will be disordered, thus decreasing the efficiency of filter. 当不同的陶瓷颗粒混合使用时,其数量和直径大小应该保持一定的比值,否则将会破坏粒子间的排列方式,影响过滤效率。
Coating temperature seems to have a little effect on the coating efficiency, and increasing temperature lead to decreasing coating efficiency slightly. 包覆温度对包硅效率影响较小,升高温度使包硅效率略有降低。
Theoretical analysis shows that the systems with penalty mechanism can punish the free-riding nodes by decreasing of their efficiency, without loss of their anonymity, so as to discourage the free-riding behavior. 理论分析表明:应用惩罚机制后的匿名系统在仍保证匿名性的前提下,能够有效降低Free-Riding成员的工作效率,从而减少Free-Riding行为的发生。
The paper holds that the decreasing technical efficiency of FDI is due to the over-deepen capital and insufficiency spillover of the multinational corporations, and that the effective way to promote the FDI techinical efficiency is to institute proper policies on human resources and accelerate FDI technical spillover. 跨国公司直接投资技术效率下降原因在于资本的过度深化与跨国公司直接投资技术溢出的不足,因此,制订合适的人力资源政策,加快直接投资的技术外溢是提高跨国公司投资技术效率的有效途经。
With decreasing levels and enhancing efficiency as stress points to regulate the enterprise organism; 以削减层次提高效率为重点,调整企业组织结构;
The decreasing trend of efficiency is the so-called effect of entropy in the governmental system. The administrating efficiency is important question for government. 行政效率是政府管理的核心内容,然而由于官僚制政府系统熵值效应的存在,政府系统行政效率趋于递减。
In addition, the layers and the strips of the cargoes may be exchanged to meet the constraint of the balance without decreasing the loading efficiency. 在装箱结果中,通过对货物层以及货物条的位置调整,从而满足重心位置和左右平衡等约束而不影响既有的装箱率。
In the process of economic transformation, serious market disorder and the insufficient institutional supply by governments have resulted in a decreasing efficiency and accordingly encumbered the establishment and development of China's market institution. 在经济转型时期,市场秩序失序非常严重,而政府对市场秩序实行有效监管的制度供给的不足,导致对市场秩序的监管效能下降,严重阻碍了我国建立和完善市场经济体制的发展进程。
The pressure loss in three-way catalytic converter lead to the decreasing of charge efficiency, and the higher the speed, the larger the pressure loss, so the more notable the decreasing of charge efficiency. 三元催化转化器中的压力损失使发动机的充气效率下降,随着发动机转速升高,压力损失迅速增大,充气效率明显下降。
The rumen digestibility of OM had a decreasing tendency while the efficiency of microbial protein synthesis was increased by 70% ( p < 0.0l). 微生物蛋白合成效率提高70%(P<0.01),而前胃有机物消化率则趋于降低。
The bad combustion state may induce some bad results such as decreasing thermal efficiency, increasing polluter, decreasing equipment life and so on. 燃烧调整不好或者不稳定导致热效率下降,污染物增加,设备寿命减短等不良后果。
Error or obscure marketing leads to the distortion of operation and the disorder of competition, which is adverse to the sustainable development of these banks by increasing the macro risk and decreasing the total efficiency of finance system. 错误的或者不明晰的市场定位导致中小商业银行经营行为的扭曲和竞争的盲目无序,不仅造成中小商业银行获利能力和信用水平的下降,也降低了金融体系的整体效率。
Although most current research works aim to reduce the channel access delay of safety messages at the cost of decreasing the efficiency of channel resource, they cannot guarantee high throughput for multimedia services and low delay for safety services simultaneously. 尽管目前许多研究工作致力于减少安全信息的信道访问延迟,但是这些工作往往以降低信道利用率为代价,难以同时保证多媒体业务高吞吐量与安全业务低延迟。
Adipose plays a critical role in energy metabolism, but excessive fat deposition will due to obesity and related metabolic diseases of human as well as decreasing the efficiency of feed conversion thus increasing the cost of cultivation in livestock production. 脂肪在动物能量代谢中发挥重要的作用,但脂肪过度沉积会引起人类的肥胖病及其它相关代谢疾病,在畜牧生产中也会由于脂肪的过度沉积导致降低饲料转化率从而升高养殖成本。
During the developing of mobile client system, both of the taxing development and low level of code reuse lead to expanding of development cycle and decreasing efficiency because of the adaption of different mobile type. 在开发手机客户端系统过程中,由于要对不同机型做适配,开发工作量大、代码重用率低,导致开发周期长,效率相对低下,无法满足快速开发的要求。
However, femto-second laser pulse would spread in time domain after passing through dispersion material, which results in decreasing multi-photon stimulation efficiency and reducing imaging depth and resolution. 但是,飞秒激光脉冲在经过色散介质之后脉冲在时域展宽,从而降低了双光子激发效率、成像深度和成像分辨率。
Number six issue is the relative high cost of transactions, resulting in a decreasing of efficiency and net profit margin. 六是交易成本较高,从而降低了效率和净收益。
The findings show an obvious inadequacy of effective supply and a decreasing tendency in efficiency and a certain potential risk in solvency in the Chinese insurance industry. 结果表明,中国保险业存在明显的有效供给不足,整体效率较低,偿付能力潜藏着一定的风险。
With the small SCH bandwidth, synchronization performance can be guaranteed by transmitting several SCHs at a radio same frame while not increasing cell search time and however, decreasing the system efficiency. 由于同步信道带宽太小,为了保证同步性能同时又不增加小区搜索时间,可以在同一帧内发送多个SCH,然而,降低了系统效率。
When the oilfield exploitation enters the stage of high water-cut, the contradiction in controlling the water bearing and reducing the decreasing efficiency of oil recovery has become more and more intensive, and the difficulty in improving productivity by means of controlling the water bearing is growing. 当油田进入高含水期开采阶段后,控制含水、降低递减的矛盾越来越突出,控水挖潜的难度越来越大。